By accessing, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use and to comply with local laws. You can't access this site if you disagree with any of the terms. Copyright and trademark laws protect this website's content.


You agree not to: 

• Compile an internal database, republish the content in the press or media, or distribute it through a commercial network, cable, or satellite.
• Permit, allow, or do anything that would violate or hurt the Company's or its licensor's intellectual property rights or allow a third party to use the content or tools.
• Use or try automated website grabbing software to save multiple pages for offline viewing.
• Use bots.
• Use ad-blocking software to block website ads.


All the information on this website,, is published in good faith and only for general information purposes. 

You can go to other websites from our site by clicking on links to those other sites. We try to only link to useful and honest websites, but we have no control over what is on these sites or how they work. These links to other websites don't mean that we agree with everything on those other sites. Site owners and content can change without warning, and this can happen before we can take down a link that has gone "bad."

Additionally, when you leave our website, you should be aware that we have no control over the content or privacy practices of other sites. Please check the Privacy Policies and "Terms of Service" of these sites before you do business with them or upload any information.

Protecting Your Personal Information 

TheStyleVersa uses a number of security technologies and procedures to help keep your personal information from being viewed, used, or shared by people who shouldn't be able to.

TheStyleVersa keeps your personal information safe by storing it on servers in a controlled, secure environment where it can't be accessed, used, or shared by people who shouldn't be able to.

When personal information (like a credit card number) is sent to other websites, it is protected by encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

Changes To This Proposal

We'll change these terms & conditions based on what the organization and users tell us. TheStyleVersa tells users to check this Terms & Condition page every so often to find out how the site protects their privacy.